Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Rider motif

-The new rider, after Double, is rumored to have a constellation motif. What's more, it is rumored to once again be a series that has 13 riders, which I can see as being feasable. If you have each rider based on a constellation, there's 12 right there.

-The new rider is said to appear in the Summer Movie Event of this year. The event is said to be split into 3 seperate features- Goseiger's movie, Double's Movie, and something called "7 Riders", which could be an old-style team up of the riders from say Decade-Double, + the newbie. More rumors as they come.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Goseiger New Toy List Pics

Mystic Brothers Set. Includes the MysticRunner, and EggHeader. Can combine with GoseiGreat to make MysticGoseiGreat, and DatasHyper, to make MysticDatasHyper.

SH06 Gosei Knight
Knight Power Release Device, LeonCellular
Gosei Header Series LeonLaser

Thursday, February 4, 2010

W New Toy Pics

W Cyclone Joker Extreme and Accel Trial

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

King Voice Header (and other things)Revealed

King Voice Header seems to be a robot head. I'm going to assume that it is the head for Datas Hyper's battle mode. The head seems to come with a mic-like weapon. Header A(a new header) is listed. Also, there's seems to be a Purple Dragon Head?
The coolest thing about this info is that the candy toy headers seem to work with the DX toys. How can you beat that?